Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Challenge

Well, it's moving day, I have been over at "windows live spaces" and have really become quite addicted to this networking tool we call blogging, but out searching the world of blogs, I quite enjoy this format, so I have decided to add this to my list of places that I like to be. Enough said. I am constantly amazed at the amount of hours and effort that people put into their blogs!! Today I found a really inspiring site and idea that I wanted to share with you. The idea is a 30 day Honor your husband Challenge .
This is my synopsis of the concept.... We all have busy lives. In the beginning of our relationships it is easy to focus on our mate. To remember the fantastic things about them... then we get married.
"Just think, if it weren't for marriage, men would go through life thinking they had no faults at all."
Funny, but not. We learn all about our mate, faultsand all, we hurt one another, we forget to forgive and we constantly let Satan remind us of the things that our spouse does wrong or doesn't do. For me, I have become too accustomed to focusing on these things. I don't make my husband a priority, in all of my responsibilities I forget that he is one of the most important ones. He is the one that I made a vow to cherish. I have been guilty of making dumb jokes about men, or being a nag, or not building Jamie up to our children. So.... Challenge on. Society teaches us to de-masculinate our men, I want my husband to feel loved, treasured, needed, and honored in our home and everywhere he goes. Here is a quote I stole from the site where I got this fabulous idea:
God has a solution that, if we adopt it, will revolutionize our relationships. While many people fight to receive respect, Christian marriage calls us to focus our efforts on giving respect. We are called to honor someone even when we know only too well their deepest character flaws. We are called to stretch ourselves, to find out how we can learn to respect this person with whom we've become so familiar.from
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas

So... here is the site where the idea began:
I encourage you to visit, it. She will encourage you and inspire you.
Because I am a little bit of a lister, I decided to start this challenge off with a list. Here are some of the reasons that I am proud of my husband and things that I love about him.

Jamie is:
1. A man of God. With incredible bible knowledge.

2. A Hero - at work and in his volunteer stuff (EMR and firecrew), and every day. He will always be the one to help people, and more often than not annonymously. He brings home stray animals, gives rides to strangers, sends people on the greyhound to their destinations, gives away his "lunch" to drunks... you name it.. he's a hero.

3. Funny - J can make me smile anytime - he is drop dead hilarious.

4. A fantastic Father! - He often goes days without sleep, in order to make sure that Ben gets adequate care ie: Rescue heros time, or someone to actually WATCH dvd's with him, not just plug them in. He makes sure he brings something home for the kids every morning and always lays out field trip forms, whatever funds are nessecary signs agendas, and is completely abreast of whatever is going on for that day!

5. Brilliant! Any fact historical or otherwise, J knows it! He is a brilliant guy and well rounded, he knows about history, politics, literature, scripture... anything, he is always my source when I have a question!

6. A thoughtful husband... how many other men will buy their wives shoes because they know that there are holes in them. Talk about going out on a limb!

So... Today begins the challenge for me! I will try my best to make my husband a priority and try to make him feel treasured and honored!!!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Great list, your hubby sound like a gem!

I'm so glad you've joined the challenge and thanks for the sweet comment on my blog.

I hope you are blessed by this next 30 days and new habits are formed!