Saturday, January 5, 2008

Healthy Choices

O.K, so EVERYONE in our house has "resloved" to eat healthier (well, maybe not Ben, we're thinking of enlisitng him in a five step program for sugar addicts! :-). Jamie and I want to set a good example for the kids, and the kids are in on the madness, we've seen a transformation, kids are reaching for salad and vegetables, after a couple weeks of holidays the kids have emptied all the cupboards, including the produce drawer... so far so good. We've been eating lots of produce, brown rice, whole grains, lots of fibre, but it's tricky. I still haven't figured out how to master the sodium factor... well, that being said, I'm running out of plans... already, and lasagna is sounding like a viable option for dinner, Pizza pops a tempting snack option. We've done salmon, we've done stir frys but we need MORE variety to keep us on track, so, I'm looking for your best HEALTHY recipie. I figured this would be a good place to start collecting, well... on that note I'm off to finish my oatmeal and apple! Take care and PLEASE, leave us a comment or a link to your favorite HEALTHY treat!

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