Monday, August 6, 2007

BBQ Time!

I am so excited! Finally we have a BBQ! About a month ago our BBQ bit the dust, and real cooking in the oven has been an ever-lovin' drag with temperatures that don't go below 28 degrees! So, yesterday J and I finally found ourselves faced with a few moments together and decided to go out to purchase a new BBQ. We began putting it together at about 6pm.

About 10 to 15 minutes after this picture was taken my help was enlisted.... About 10 minutes after that J got hit in the head with a leg from the BBQ, said a bad word, and disapeared into the basement, probably a wise choice, although this meant....the job was left to me. A little bit of a problem, since BBQ set up is clearly a blue job. Nevertheless, I took it on like a champ! By step 7 I was a little bit frustrated, I was, however pleasantly surprised to read step seven which said.. and I quote... "pour yourself a glass of wine".... honest it did ;-) So, in true trooper fashion, I carried on. By 9:30, after dis-assembling the BBQ a couple of times to backtrack, stifling a few expletives, enilsting the help of several innocent passerbys:-) (could you just hold this for a sec...) our BBQ was finished.....

hopefully you are suitably impressed (insert oohs and ahhs here)

nevermind the fact that there are still a few leftover parts, I believe that the legs, yes, the very same ones that smashed into J's skull, are on backwards, which I discovered at the very end when I needed to put on one last piece, but I am NOT dis-assembling that freaking thing for all the tea in China! I'm pretty sure that those legs have a mind of their own anyhow, I'm not tempting fate.

Dinner guests arrived at 9:30ish, and dinner was served at 10:00pm... J BBQed steaks in the pouring rain, and in the dark, after he emerged seeminly unscathed from the basement :-) We had a really good time with Kalie and Kevin and I think the kids will be talking about their dinner in the middle of the night for a while. Thankfully, C was in much better spirits AFTER he ate. Earlier in the night he was threaghtening to go and knock on the neighbor's doors until someone fed him something that wasn't the unsuitable leftovers from the fridge.... thankfully we filled his belly and everyone was safely tucked in by 11:00.

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